This annual weekend retreat at an overnight camp is a BTBJ favorite and sell-out. Our community comes together to observe Shabbat in a fun dynamic way informally in a wooded campground setting. The weekend starts off with Friday evening services, Shabbat dinner and Israeli dancing.
On Saturday the community enjoys a brunch followed by services and opportunities for electives including children's services with games, adult Torah study and yoga/meditation. The afternoon is filled with nature walks, games, socializing, learning opportunities and Shabbos rest. To end Shabbat and to welcome the week, we come together for Havdallah and transition to a fun filled evening of activities highlighting the year's theme and capped off with a bonfire.
On Sunday, we pack up, enjoy breakfast and minyan together and join for a program that often benefits those in need in our community. When we say our goodbyes to old and new friends, we instantly begin to enjoy these lasting community building memories for years to come!
Join us Jan 26-28th, 2024
Thu, September 12 2024
9 Elul 5784